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Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's Sunday : Photo of the Week 04, the Grand Canyon

This is a public photo of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA. 

I still haven't got the chance to to so, but I intend, someday, to do a road trip across the USA from the East to the West, from New York to Los Angeles. 
In most of the greatest road trips movies like Thelma and Louise, the Grand Canyon is the place for the final scene. The recent (not so good) comedy Guilt Trip starring Seth Rogen, the Grand Canyon is part of it at some point. 

There is definitively something special about road trips and maybe the USA is the best place for it. It is one of the rarest place where such trips are can be easily done : one big country but quite practical in a vehicle due to fair landscape and weather overall. 
Try to make road trips in Russia or in South America... Yes, thought so. 

Road trips represent one of the ultimate way of evasion while staying in contact with the rest of the civilization. Best of both worlds I guess. There is somewhat a certain romance, adventure and very intimate about it. You share it with your best friend or a close relative most of the times. 
And when you happen to travel with a stranger in movies (Forces of Nature, Due Date, Midnight Run) , you become way much closer because there is a sense of accomplishment and you can see multiple facets of the personality of the other person. Being very intimate on the road and how one interacts with others when you're making stops in towns or cities. 
Somewhat, the Grand Canyon represents a big part of that. I haven't even told the best part of it : what happens on the road stays on the road. 

Anyway, it's Sunday and I'm not really physically traveling, so I might as well doing it in my head. 


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